C-114,City Palace Apartment,
Noida Sector-22,
Uttar Pradesh.

November  15,2013

The  H.O.D,
Amity School of Engineering,
Amity University,

Subject: Propasal for events during  Amity Youth Fest 2014.

Respected sir,

I wish to express that I,Nishu Kumar is student co-ordinator of A.S.E .we have conducted surveys across every section of A.S.E and have comeup with certain ideas of events which could be extremely poplular among masses during A.Y.F.Ihave shortlisted some of the events which are listed below:
1.Poster design:People will design a poster with a puch line for next year youth fest which will be unveiled at closing ceromany of A.Y.F.
2.App development:participants will have to make most efficient app .The one which is better and efficient wins the game.
3.lan –o-mania:A server will be established where a bunch of players will team up to play an online soccer match.
4.Rocktaves:Clash of rock band performers,winner to be decided by judges.
5. Finder’s keepers:Various clues are to be given to the participants which will lead them to one gift wrap which will contain cash prize.
The listed events are sorted out as most chosen ones.These events are sure to be crowd pullers.

So,I heartfully request you to kindly take into consideration the events which are listed above.All of us have worked hard to conduct surveys and would be delighted if our hard work pays off.
Thanking you,
Yours Sincerely.

Nishu Kumar,
Student co-ordinator,

Nishu Kumar
