Current Affairs & Upcoming Technology in Computer Science:


Career in IT is considered one of the most high-paying jobs and is full of opportunities; particularly when India’s prowess in information technology industry is recognized across the globe. The pool of talented computer engineers working in IT companies of the USA and Canada shows that IT can take a person to higher levels. Numerous IT companies from India employ huge number of computer professionals in their Indian and overseas offices.

 v Gesture Recognition Technology. (Current Used)
Gesture recognition is a topic in computer science and language technology with the goal of interpreting human gestures via mathematical algorithms. Gestures can originate from any bodily motion or state but commonly originate from the face or hand. Current focuses in the field include emotion recognition from the face and hand gesture recognition. Many approaches have been made using cameras and computer vision algorithms to interpret sign language. Gesture recognition can be seen as a way for computers to begin to understand human body language, thus building a richer bridge between machines and humans than primitive text user interfaces or even GUIs (graphical user interfaces), which still limit the majority of input to keyboard and mouse.
Current Example: Samsung Galaxy S4, Micromax Canvas 4.

 v         Palm Vein Technology. (Current Used)
An individual first rests his wrist, and on some devices, the middle of his fingers, on the sensor's supports such that the palm is held centimeters above the device's scanner, which flashes a near-infrared ray on the palm. Unlike the skin, through which near-infrared light passes, deoxygenated hemoglobin in the blood flowing through the veins absorbs near-infrared rays, illuminating the hemoglobin, causing it to be visible to the scanner. Arteries and capillaries, whose blood contains oxygenated hemoglobin, which does not absorb near-infrared light, are invisible to the sensor. The still image captured by the camera, which photographs in the near-infrared range, appears as a black network, reflecting the palm's vein pattern against the lighter background of the palm. An individual's palm vein image is converted by algorithms into data points, which is then compressed, encrypted, and stored by the software and registered along with the other details in his profile as a reference for future comparison.

 v  Mind Reading Computers. (Upcoming)
Drawing inspiration from psychology, computer vision and machine learning, the team in the Computer Laboratory at the University of Cambridge has developed mind-reading machines - computers that implement a computational model of mind-reading to infer mental states of people from their facial signals. The goal is to enhance human-computer interaction through empathic responses, to improve the productivity of the user and to enable applications to initiate interactions with and on behalf of the user, without waiting for explicit input from that user.

 v          Li-Fi Technology. (Upcoming)
Whether you’re using wireless internet in a coffee shop, stealing it from the guy next door, or competing for bandwidth at a conference, you’ve probably gotten frustrated at the slow speeds you face when more than one device is tapped into the network. As more and more people and their many devices access wireless internet, clogged airwaves are going to make it increasingly difficult to latch onto a reliable signal. But radio waves are just one part of the spectrum that can carry our data. What if we could use other waves to surf the internet? One German physicist, DR. Harald Haas, has come up with a solution he calls “Data Through Illumination”—taking the fiber out of fiber optics by sending data through an LED light bulb that varies in intensity faster than the human eye can follow. It’s the same idea behind infrared remote controls, but far more powerful. Haas says his invention, which he calls D-Light, can produce data rates faster than 10 megabits per second, which is speedier than your average broadband connection. He envisions a future where data for laptops, smartphones, and tablets is transmitted through the light in a room. And security would be a snap—if you can’t see the light, you can’t access the data.
Li-Fi is a VLC, visible light communication, technology developed by a team of scientists including Dr Gordon Povey, Prof. Harald Haas and Dr Mostafa Afgani at the University of Edinburgh. The term Li-Fi was coined by Prof. Haas when he amazed people by streaming high-definition video from a standard LED lamp, at TED Global in July 2011.

Other Current Technologies:

1.    Multi-Touch Interaction.
2.    Blue Jacking.
3.     Cloud Computing.
4.     Mobile Number Portability.
5.     Green Computing.
6.     Ten Most Popular Programming Languages in Industries.
                        i.         JAVA
                       ii.         C
                     iii.         C++
                     iv.         PHP
                       v.         Visual Basic
                     vi.         Python
                    vii.         C#
                  viii.         JavaScript
                     ix.         Pearl   & x. Ruby.

Other Upcoming Technologies:

1.     Ceylon (The Ceylon Project is an upcoming programming language and SDK, created by Red Hat. It is based on the Java programming language and when it is released, will run over the Java Virtual Machine).
2.     Blue Brain / Artificial Brain.
3.     Quantum Computing. (Hypothetical, much faster computing, for some kinds of problems, chemical modeling, and new materials with programmed properties, Hypothetical of high-temperature superconductivity and super fluidity.)
4.     More Upcoming Languages:
                        i.         Dart (Google created the new Vernacular of Web Programming.)
                       ii.         F# (pronounced as F sharp)
                     iii.         Opa (new paradigm for Web Programming)
                     iv.         Fantom
                       v.         haXe (pronounced as ‘hex’)
                     vi.         Ceylon (mentioned above.)
And many are yet to come.



                                         Report by:
                    Sumit Kumar
