Ramadan is the ninth month of the Islamic calendar, and the month in which Muslims believe the Quran was revealed.
Fasting during the month of Ramadan is one of the Five Pillars of Islam. The month is spent by Muslims fasting during the daylight hours from dawn to sunset.
Muslims believe that the Quran was sent down to the lowest heaven during this month, thus being prepared for gradual revelation by Jibraeel (Gabriel) to the Islamic prophet Muhammad.
Furthermore, Muhammad told his followers that the gates of Heaven would be open all the month and the gates of Hell (Jahannam) would be closed.
The first three days of the next month, Shawwal, is spent in celebrations and is observed as the "Festival of Breaking Fast" or Eid al-Fitr
-source---> wikipedia
Ramadan holds a unique position in the hearts and minds of our community.
It is a special time of the year where the blessings of Allah are abundantly bestowed upon the believers and followers.
The whole community fasts with such enthusiasm
Every evening, the mosques across the world are packed with Muslims listening to the Quran in the Special Tarawih prayer.
There is a general feeling of goodwill within the community, which is all about principles on deen.
There are many new people start praying regularly.
People make a conscious effort to pray regularly and read the Quran.
Fasting is more than remaining hungry and thirsty for the sake of Allah.
During the fasting we try and implement every principle of Islam within our lives.
Bad qualities such as lying theft etc are reduced to null from our lives.
We do as many good deeds as possible.
In Ramadan people are more generous and give from their pockets and hearts to poors and less fortunates
There is an aura of love and compassion surrounding every individual as the self-centredness is refocused to those around them.
It is often said that many people find themselves in this month of Ramadan - a time of discovery.
If we think back, so many of our friends and colleagues have changed during Ramadan.
They start Ramadan with their fasting and prayers and finish Ramadan as a 'reformed
Muslim - the blessing of Ramadan continues from that moment onwards throughout the rest of their lives.
Charity is very important in Islam, and even more so during Ramadan. Zakāt, often translated as "the poor-rate",
is obligatory as one of the pillars of Islam; a fixed percentage is required to be given to the poor of the person's savings.
Sadaqah is voluntary charity in given above and beyond what is required from the obligation of zakāt.
In Islam all good deeds are more handsomely rewarded in Ramadan than in any other month of the year.
Consequently, many will choose this time to give a larger portion, if not all, of the zakāt for which they are obligated to give.
In addition, many will also use this time to give a larger portion of sadaqah in order to maximize the reward that will await them at the Last Judgment.
In many Muslim countries,
it is a common sight to see people giving more food to the poor and the homeless, and even to see large public areas for the poor to come and break their fast.
It is said that if a person helps a fasting person to break their fast,
then they receive a reward for that fast, without diminishing the reward that the fasting person got for their fast
The holiday of Eid al-Fitr ("festivity of breaking the fast") marks the end of Ramadan and the beginning of the next lunar month, Shawwal.
This first day of the following month is declared after another crescent new moon has been sighted or the completion of 30 days of fasting if no visual
sighting is possible due to weather conditions. This first day of Shawwal is called Eid al-Fitr.
Eid al-Fitr may also be a reference towards the festive nature
of having endured the month of fasting successfully and returning to the more natural disposition (fitra) of being able to eat,
drink and resume intimacy with spouses during the day
Muslims worldwide began their holiest month of the year last week with dawn to dusk fasts, broken each evening by large, communal meals.
The duration of the fast was around 15 hours appx .
The Sehri or the Dawn time food mainly consist of kheer ,soothpheni ,milk,eggs etc
The Iftar or the dusk time food consist of sharbat ,fruit salad ,firni ,pakodas,papads .
After this Namaz Tarawih is done and then dinner .
The faithful use the time to reevaluate their lives through the scope of Islamic doctrine
Many people fast during these days to show their love for Allah .
I started keeping Roza when someone told me if you love Allah why dont you show him your love .Why be a silent lover!
