Student coordinator
Amity School of  Engineering
Amity University
Uttar Pradesh

21 August 2013

Mr. Ajay Rana
Head of Institution
Amity Youth Fest 2014
Amity University
Uttar Pradesh

Subject:  Proposal For Events During Amity Youth Fest 2014

Respected Sir

I am Ishan Sharma student coordinator of Amity School of Engineering.  I am writing this letter on the behalf of the students of Amity School of Engineering to propose some events in the upcoming Amity Youth Fest 2014. I have talked to my fellow batch mates and I have found that they were not very much impressed with the Youth Fest that took place last year. According to them they all found something missing. Many of were not even present on the fest. I have seen that they were missing some cultural and technical events in the fest. So in order to make the fest of this year more success I am proposing some events for the Youth Fest 2014. Here are the proposals:-

1.    Tech Rulers
This event can be a sort of quiz on the technologies and we can invite some of the famous people who have revolutionized the technologies we have today. This event would be helpful for the students who have keen interest in technical departments as they can interact with our technology rulers.

2.    Folk Dance
Many students missed the traditional dancing styles as the events conducted on dance were having only the dance styles like hip-hop, freestyle etc. The traditional dance styles were missing. Many students wanted the events on the traditional dances. This event will help us to promote our old vanishing traditional dancing styles as most of the Indian styles have been overthrown by the western styles.

3.    Sports Events
Many students including me were very disappointed with the sports event. We did not found any interest in the way the sports events were being held. There was no proper organizing on how the team sports events were being held. Some students who wanted to take part in the sports were disappointed. So I am proposing this. We can make separate committees for the team and individual sports events. We can try to avoid clashes between the events by organizing the prelims on different days. I think that every team should be given chance there should be no predefined decisions that which team would be presenting who. For this we can organize prelims at least 1 or 2 months before youth fest so that i could be a fair game. 

4.    Singing Competitions
Some of the students who were having interest in the singing were not able to find the proper platform for their interest. So I am proposing this event in order to allow those students to show and nurture their talents.

These were some of the events that I wanted to propose on the behalf of the students of ASE. I hope that you would pay attention to these proposals and may include these events in the upcoming youth fest.

Yours Sincerely
Ishan Sharma